About Us

With over 20 years experience working and training dogs the journey to here had to start somewhere

Here is a brief outlook into my journey that got me here

Growing up

Being born and raised on a working farm in South Africa offered so many opportunities leading me to where I am today. 

I think its safe to say I fall into that category of "I was born on a horse" they were such a huge part of my life. 

I went on to compete for my county in three day eventing and later when I was serving in the British Army living in the UK I owned and competed two horses.

Dogs & Horses

We were lucky enough to grow up with land, horses, dogs, shooting and hunting. 

Being out in the field working our horses and dogs was a regular activity for our family. We also bred and worked a variety of breeds, namely the South African Boerbull, Terriers, Collies, GSP’s and Labradors.

Training all our dogs naturally was a family affair and we all got stuck in. I however took a particular interest to the dogs and their training while growing up and would take every opportunity I could to be outside either training the dogs or riding my horses

As well as shooting birds and trout fishing on our farm we had approximately 30 horses which were used for a trail riding business as well as my own competition horses.

Big move

While studying at University I got part time work as an assistant dog trainer with the South African Police Force. Most of the training was focussed on the initial year where socialisation and basic obedience was crucial.

This progressed and with the help of contacts I moved across to assisting the Military with their dog training programme. I learnt a lot about dogs here and will always value my time spent with these two organisations

Life then threw me an opportunity and after I finished studying I moved to the UK, eventually ending up joining the British Army. 

While in the Army I lived in Hampshire, working our Labradors during the shooting season and competed my two horses

After many years enjoying working my labs my circumstances changed, I left the British Army, my life in Hampshire and relocated to Gloucestershire. 

My life now

Living in Gloucestershire, I get to train my dogs everyday and work them in the shooting season. I teach handlers and their dogs, regularly running training workshops and group lessons

I am extremely competitive and love to spend time competing my dogs.