Puppy Socialisation

Puppy Socialisation

Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed our last blog but it’s now time for another. We have been super busy since Harris arrived as well as competing with Hudson so my apologies for taking so long to get this blog out since our last. So let’s get started 

As dog owners, we all want our puppies to grow up into well-adjusted, sociable, and happy dogs. One important aspect of achieving this goal is by socialising your puppy. socialisation is a process whereby the puppy is exposed to various stimuli, including different environments, people and dogs. socialising your puppy is key to helping it develop good behavior, reducing shyness, reactivity or aggression, as well as increasing its overall confidence levels.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of socialising your puppy and its benefits for both you and your furry friend. We’ll also provide tips on exposing your puppy to new environments, why socialisation is not just about meeting other dogs and how you can incorporate this into your new puppy routine.

1. Introduce Your Puppy to New Environments Gradually

It can be incredibly overwhelming for a new puppy to be taken into a bustling area, full of strange smells and unfamiliar sounds. For this reason, it is important to introduce your puppy to new environments gradually. Start with a quiet area and gradually increase the stimulus level in a controlled manner so that your puppy does not become terrified or overwhelmed. For instance, you can take your puppy for a walk around the block, then progress to the park, and then other public areas.

I personally like to start exposure as soon as my puppy arrives, as early as 8 weeks. This can be done from a safe space like a doggy back pack, the back of a car in a crate or even a game bag.

Letting them safely see the world from this early age you are making the most out of their critical socialisation/exposure period. I like to just let the pups sit in the car crate, open the boot and just let them take the world in. Go to a supermarket car park and just let them watch or pop them in a doggy back pack and go to the pub, still keeping them safe and creating valuable exposure experiences 

2. Socialisation is Not Just About Meeting Other Dogs

Although meeting other dogs is an important aspect of socialisation it is not the only thing you should focus on. Your puppy should be exposed to new environments, sounds, smells, and different kinds of people. This can be essential for raising a well rounded dog and reducing anxiety, shyness, and aggression.

I have never let my dogs “play” and meet strange dogs. My dogs socialise and interact with dogs they know but never will I force or allow an interaction with a strange dog in a park or elsewhere. I do not know this dog nor do I know if it will be aggressive to my puppy so its definitely not worth the risk. I am also trying to teach my puppy in this critical period that not every dog it sees means play time so all unknown dog interactions are done from a distance  

3. Sit and Watch, Let Them Take in the Environment

Once you take your puppy to a new environment such as the park, find a quiet spot to sit and observe the surrounding with your pup. It is best for you to not let your pup interact with other dogs or people, as this can be overwhelming for them. Allowing them to take in sights and sounds from a safe and relaxed pace is a more effective way of socialising your puppy.

4. Involve Your Puppy in Everyday Activities

The best way to socialise your puppy is to include them in your daily routine and activities. This includes going for walks, visiting different parks, or even socialising with other pets that belong to your friends or family members. You can also help your puppy overcome its fear of grooming or vet visits, by exposing it to these experiences right from an early age.

5. Get Professional Help When Needed

If you’re uncertain about the right way to socialise your puppy or aren’t seeing the desired results, it can be helpful to seek professional assistance from a dog trainer, veterinarian or behaviorist. They can provide you with expert advice on how to proceed.

Socialising your puppy is a critical aspect of raising a happy, confident, and well-rounded dog. Although it can take time and effort, the benefits of socialising your puppy make them worthwhile. By applying the tips mentioned above you can make the socialisation process much easier and fun for both you and your furry friend. Remember to aim for a positive and safe experience for both you and your puppy and soon you’ll begin to notice positive behavioural and emotional changes.

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